Princess high-die

Welcome to the masquerade ball. I'm Elodie Eade and you need to get the hell off my lawn. Do tell me your stories and let's fill in the chapters as we go.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are you magical?

I'm a proud Slytherin.
Snape didn't die a Gryffindor, he died a Slytherin.

Yeah that's right, the next house cup, which will be awarded on the 21st, will be ours too. You won't have to 'wait and see' because I know, for sure.

I was so upset when I found out the points will be swiped clean and we'll have to restart after each term (it's over 5,000 points we're talking about here) but they configured it and we can see our 'total' (as seen above) so..pretty cool. 

5000 isn't the best I could've done but hey I tried so darn hard. Girl deserves her cookie, right? ..Let's just forgo the fact that I started in August, 2011, while there are other people on Pottermore who started in April, 2012, and have over 300,000 points. 

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