Princess high-die

Welcome to the masquerade ball. I'm Elodie Eade and you need to get the hell off my lawn. Do tell me your stories and let's fill in the chapters as we go.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Indecent Wretch

I don't even know what's wrong with me now, one second I'm fine and the next, right after a single momentarily short passing of minute and matters, everything goes up in flames as if I was never worth any of it.

It just happened. Literally eight minutes ago, I was sitting with my parents, having dinner, having mindless little discussions, petting my dog, and then my cup of hot chocolate just went flam and hit the ground before I could react. There it was, the drink all over me, sticky and moist and all the unpleasant sensation had hit me.
The solution was simple, right? You clean that shit up. NO, I chose to kick up a fuss. I knew what to do, I knew to clean it up, I knew to clean up my act but there was just something in me that had strike me harder than lightning on a rainy day - I felt as if it shouldn't have happened, the drink, it shouldn't have went tumbling onto the ground. I felt like I didn't deserve it. I refused to clean it up and had a minor squabble with my mother and she just went to bed with nothing but a gesture suggesting that it wasn't hers to give a second look on.

So I just came online. That puddle of mess is still outside (though I'm sure that little crap of a dog had already  had it polished).

..I just thought it was really, really weird. I felt like a three-year-old missing her favourite toy bunny. A spoilt three-year-old. 

I've been owing updates on this blog and, trust me, I've had most of the pictures ready but I'm almost never in the mood to sit my ass down and start acting like a teenager with a blog.

I'm sorry. The apology goes both ways. You should know what I mean.

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